the town of Fort Nelson, BC Canada


Ways to Contact Me

Since I am not on social media there are not that many ways to reach me…. snail mail, email and phone …?

Zuzanna Leonska
Box 1152
Fort Nelson, BC
V0C 1R0

Zuzanna Leonska,

Or Phone:

If you scroll way out on the map below, you can get an idea how Fort Nelson is sort of in the middle of no where. Lots of mountains to the west; lots of rivers and muskeg to the north and east; south is a mixed bag until you reach Fort St. John and it’s farming community. (And it’s book stores, and it’s pet store, and, and ….)

View Larger Map

Any markers shown on map were put there by Google Maps.

This is Zuzia,
out standing by the mail box, breathlessly awaiting your words of wisdom, thoughts, and imaginings.