but not so cold as it has been.
You know it has been cold when: -20C feels balmy. It is a relief to open the door and be able to breath the frigid air rushing past you. Make it a double dose of relief when the dogs actually go outside after requesting door service.
The best in the I’m Not Going Out There! category was ultimately won by a lovely lady Rottweiler named Christmas Holly. One winter morning I opened the north door for her, a blast of Arctic air and snow pallets nearly swept us off our feet. Holly stepped back from the frigid opening, with a clearly evident, “I’ll wait until Spring.” look! This inquiring mind needs to know how she managed to hold everything for over twenty-four hours. Just think how much additional sleep I would get.
Since I am handing out awards, I think all northern miniature Dachshunds deserve medals… medals for bravery. All winter, every winter (and most of spring and fall for that matter) their little bellies are right down in the snow. I freeze up just watching out the window. And pity the poor things when the wind adds the torture of navigating drifts to getting back inside swiftly.
“Where’s Libby?”
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since she fell off the porch.”
Just kidding no dachsies were harmed whilst writing this post. I’m off for supper, Chicken Burrito night, that means I get to watch Battleship… again.
Saying bye for now,
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